Commercial advisory related to Difficult Markets


Development of the company enforces continuous learning of business owners, their employees and the board. Learning is not only the knowledge and understanding of the rapidly changing reality. It is also acquiring practical skills needed to manage the company’s finances. Especially when the company intends to expand its activities in foreign markets.

With practical experience in finance I am able to advise and train managerial staff and employees of Polish and foreign companies. I lean on my experience, I do not theorize.

Although I am a financier I realize that communication about finances should be used to understand the language and simple message. That’s why I say in an accessible way on a fairly complex financial issues. No need to be a financier to understand my training, you do not need to finish studying accounting or banking so we can communicate freely.

I offer training, among others, in the following subjects:

The instruments of the FX market with a practical use in the activities of SMEs

Methods of financing, settlements and security in foreign trade

Effective strategies for the use of surplus funds

The cultural differences in international business

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I recommend this group of training primarily to specialists from commercial/trade departments, purchasing, sales and marketing departments, to chief accountants, financial directors and those responsible for cooperation with banks. Training can also be useful to all the other employees involved directly or indirectly in the process of investment in the process of purchasing import or export activities.